Wishing only wounds the heart

I can't control myself today.
When my cousin fuckt up my plans I just became a monster.
It feels like I need to talk to somebody but can't beacuse of the monster I became..
I just wana scream and shout it all out but if I do someone will get mad and that's my mom.
I hate her.. Can't see the point living with her. I'm 18 years old and I'm still stuck in a palce I hate. My only wish was that i would be out of this place when I turned 18 but I haven't moved a bit! I have not even told her that I want to study in Canada. I'm such a chicken, a big coward, I hate myself.

Lilasvart out

You fool!

You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot and you haven't got a clue, somehow I'll make a man out of you.
I don't no what to do with Rasmus. He said that he loves me. Fool!
He's not loving me, he's in love with me. That are two diffrent things!
And when I told him that he's not in love with me, he changed his mind. Now he only loves me as a friend.
My as he loves me as a friend! It's not okey to say "I like you" any more?
He's a sweet crazy fool and I don't want a sweet crazy fool.
All I want is move to Canada, I do not want to be here any more.
The memory is comming back and I can't tell anyone.
I can't tell them about my disease becouse they would belive that it was bad.
But is not bad I want to be thin and this is the only way for me to be thin.
I just hate that I can't talk with any one but if I tell Rasmus he might thing twice about me?
Maybe I sould give it a shoot?
I'll try^^

Lilasvart out!

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