
I feel bad today... My mom is mean by saying that I don't have a job, that I’m lazy and that my dad is stupid (She complains at me about my father even if I don’t have any contact with him). But I have a job, it might not be from morning to afternoon every day but it's a job anyway!
Why can't she be proud of me instead?
School ended four days ago and she says that I'm lazy for being home and sleeping the first "real" day. I can't seem to get her at all. She did not even tell me about the cheap apartment close to my work just because she doesn’t think I have a job. She is a fucked up mom!
The only thing she is good at is making me feel bad and complaining about her life that is so awful. But there is nothing bad in her life except me, her girl how like black and don't like the rules of society.. How in the world can she not love her own daughter? I know it’s my fault that her siblings hate her but she doesn’t know that!
If she just would have been a nice person who where an angel and not tried too look like one. This would never have happened.
And that’s right! She said that my father spend about 150:- on my exam gift and that she had spent 1000:- on my exam gift. Well I saw the bill and the bill did not say 1000:- it said it was 638:- about 362:- to little! Learn how to count, stop exaggerate, learn that people don’t like the same thing as you and stop bulling your own daughter!
Lila svart out!!


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