Jag är med och tävlar om 20 000 kr att shoppa kläder för. Vem är inte intresserad av det? Tävla du också med TLC och Min mans bröllop.

Not again!

I hope the pain will go away...

Please just make it okay again, and tell me the truth about us.

Can’t bear to fall into pieces once again, see how my heart becomes shattered and never really mend.

With me

I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I'd wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.

Through it all, I've made my mistakes.
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

Thoughts read, unspoken, forever in now,
And pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what I didn't have, so I won't let this go,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.

All the streets, where I walked alone,
With nowhere to go, have come to an end.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you don't know what you're looking to find.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you just never know what you will find.

I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.


Lilla svart out!


My knee hurts and I don't seem to care anymore. All I can think of is playing PC games and foretell myself.
Haha what a boring life I have! :)

Well not before. Today I was with an old friend and he said some things I totally agree with. Why fly over the forest with JAS- plains when animals have better hearing then us? When they hear this they try to see what it's but can't find anything. They get scared, run, fall and die. Is that so good? Is it not better if they fly over places were people live when they are at work? Then no one will get hurt. Society and all those paradoxes...

Too live in peace we must prepare for war.


Lila svart out!


I feel bad today... My mom is mean by saying that I don't have a job, that I’m lazy and that my dad is stupid (She complains at me about my father even if I don’t have any contact with him). But I have a job, it might not be from morning to afternoon every day but it's a job anyway!
Why can't she be proud of me instead?
School ended four days ago and she says that I'm lazy for being home and sleeping the first "real" day. I can't seem to get her at all. She did not even tell me about the cheap apartment close to my work just because she doesn’t think I have a job. She is a fucked up mom!
The only thing she is good at is making me feel bad and complaining about her life that is so awful. But there is nothing bad in her life except me, her girl how like black and don't like the rules of society.. How in the world can she not love her own daughter? I know it’s my fault that her siblings hate her but she doesn’t know that!
If she just would have been a nice person who where an angel and not tried too look like one. This would never have happened.
And that’s right! She said that my father spend about 150:- on my exam gift and that she had spent 1000:- on my exam gift. Well I saw the bill and the bill did not say 1000:- it said it was 638:- about 362:- to little! Learn how to count, stop exaggerate, learn that people don’t like the same thing as you and stop bulling your own daughter!
Lila svart out!!

Wishing only wounds the heart

I can't control myself today.
When my cousin fuckt up my plans I just became a monster.
It feels like I need to talk to somebody but can't beacuse of the monster I became..
I just wana scream and shout it all out but if I do someone will get mad and that's my mom.
I hate her.. Can't see the point living with her. I'm 18 years old and I'm still stuck in a palce I hate. My only wish was that i would be out of this place when I turned 18 but I haven't moved a bit! I have not even told her that I want to study in Canada. I'm such a chicken, a big coward, I hate myself.

Lilasvart out

You fool!

You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot and you haven't got a clue, somehow I'll make a man out of you.
I don't no what to do with Rasmus. He said that he loves me. Fool!
He's not loving me, he's in love with me. That are two diffrent things!
And when I told him that he's not in love with me, he changed his mind. Now he only loves me as a friend.
My as he loves me as a friend! It's not okey to say "I like you" any more?
He's a sweet crazy fool and I don't want a sweet crazy fool.
All I want is move to Canada, I do not want to be here any more.
The memory is comming back and I can't tell anyone.
I can't tell them about my disease becouse they would belive that it was bad.
But is not bad I want to be thin and this is the only way for me to be thin.
I just hate that I can't talk with any one but if I tell Rasmus he might thing twice about me?
Maybe I sould give it a shoot?
I'll try^^

Lilasvart out!


Why can't I get a job?
I really need a job so I can live when I move to Canada.
Haha you konw the girl how is so stupid? She thinks we still are friends. Haha I can't stop laughing!
I wish she could think for herself for once! She only follows everyone else.

And yes! Today I told Simon that I was intrested of having him as a boyfriend but he is still going out with that girl.. I just want to cry even though I can't... Why dad why?
But I hope Simon fall in love with her then I would not feel so bad when I leave.
I really have to leave, I can't live here with my memories.

I'm trying to find a album aswell, I would like to hear it. Or perhaps i just should listen to Always?
Love that song(L)
If a man ask me to marry me. The first thing I'm going to say is: If you promise to love me forever I will marry you.
Not for just a day, not for just a year but always.
This reminds me! I shall watch The Swanprincess:3
Just so I remember that love can be eternal.


Okej gårdagen var hemsk..

Allt började bra, åkte till jobbet och jobbade precis som vanligt.

När jag sen var på väg hem så svängde inte bussen dit den skulle.

Fundersam blev jag men det var bara närmare till min andra buss så jag tänkte inte på det.

Fast sen kom jag på att jag skulle till vagnarna *suck*

Så jag började gå mot vagnarna, medan jag går så ser jag massa poliser och säkerhets vakter och jag fattade inte varför.

Så ser man att de har spärrat av halva centalen. Wtf tänkte jag.

Jag gick fram till en av vakterna och frågade vad som stod på.

Han sa att man var tvungen att gå runt allt. Fuck..

I alla fall gick jag mot vagnarna och precis när jag har kommit över övergångs stället så ser jag att massa människor börjar springa.

Har det varit bråk eller? Var allt som gick genom mitt huvud.

Sen ser jag att polisen slår på blåljusen och då slog det mig att det kanske inte var så säkert att vara där.

Då kommer de... Ljuder av huliganer som ska precis börja slåss.

Då fattade jag att det verkligen inte var säkert där, jag vände mig om och började gå mot centalen igen för att ta bussen. När jag väl går där så går jag vid några personer och en av dem säger: "Det var en som sa att jag inte skulle sparka honom, men det gjorde jag ändå"

Livrädd var jag!

De går i alla fall in till centralen och jag bestämmer mig för att jag tar nästa ingång för annars vet jag inte vad som händer.

När jag väl är inne ropar Trappans konung efter mig. Det var en riktig lättnad.

Han gick sen dock med sina vänner och jag fortsatte till bussen.

När jag sen står och väntar på bussen så börjar massa hulliganer att springa där bussarna kör och sen in.

Då blev jag också väldigt rädd eftersom att jag trodde att de var ute efter att bråka inne på centralen.

Det gjorde dem ej, utan bara sprang ut.

Inte långt efter så kommer massa andra huliganer och gjorde exakt samma sak bara att en av dem blev knuffad och gjorde världens vrål typ.

Då höll alla andan, skit rädda för att det skulle bli bråk inklusive mig.

Fy fan vad rädd jag var!

Sen när bussen äntligen kom så sa dem i högtalarna att alla skulle gå bort från centralen.

Tur och väl var jag på bussen och sen ringde jag Pisa för att kolla om hon var okej. Det var hon.

När jag sen skulle berätta så sa hon hela tiden jag var där, jag var där.

So what? Jag ville ändå berätta! När hon har något att berätta brukar jag hålla käften och ge henne lite feedback så att hon ska fortsätta. Gör hon samma sak? Nope! Då blev jag sur och ringde Jenna för att få prata av mig och hon lyssnade. Tack och lov för det!

Nej nu får jag nog svara Jimba på msn innan han blir galen på mig.

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